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Monday, September 15, 2008

Business in the Internet

Following the recent SEMCON 2008 (Search Engine Marketing Conference 2008) in the Philippines, I was surprised to find out that business owners have already outnumbered IT practitioners (i.e. SEO Specialists like me, and other web evangelists) in such tech conferences. In fact, those who were asking challenging questions from the speakers were the non-tech entrepreneurs. This is a good sign that the Philippine market community is growing fond of embracing the benefits technology like the Internet can offer.

To name some of the goodies one can enjoy now that the web is steadily becoming a vital part of doing business, check out my Top 10 list of the Advantages of being a Netpreneur:

1. Reduce advertising cost via Pay-per-click marketing, rather than doing “Traditional Marketing” (i.e. tv, print, radio, events, etc.)

2. Earn extra income through affiliate marketing – earning money when you make your site visitors click on affiliate ads. See more of that here.

3. Experience a steady source of income though the Google Adsense Program – you earn from Google each time visitors click on your Google-sponsored Ads.

4. Reduce operating cost as you set up a virtual store online – no need to get heavy capital when you set up a physical store.

5. Do business at the comforts of your own home. – this is what I love most about the Internet. I’ve been getting orders and selling goods right here in my own home. Thanks to

6. Do some sideline by being a Problogger, or Web Copywriter-for-hire
7. Do 24-hour customer service via online chat synchronized with your mobile phone!

8. Efficiently track results and returns on investment via various paid advertising platforms. Finally, you can now statistically measure branding and the effects of advertising.

9. Get a chance to be featured in blogs, magazines, and TV shows for being one of the pioneers in doing business through the Internet (we are only a handful here in the Philippines) – that’s free advertising for you, too!

10. And finally, become financially independent without taking too much risk while ROI time comes to you sooner as compared to just doing business without tapping the Internet.
Make technology work for your advantage. It is actually easier than you thought. With so much help Filipinos can get from private sectors like Globe Philippines’ SME initiatives, one can have some business running towards success!

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